Hvala, Vaša registracija je uspešno završena
Thank you, Your registration has been successfully completed
Potvrđujemo da ste se uspešno registrovali za učešće na „Petom Kongresu gastroenterologa Srbije“, koji će se održati 28-30.09.2023. u Beogradu, u Hotelu Crowne Plaza.
Tehnički organizator će Vam u narednim danima dostaviti instrukcije za uplatu kotizacije ili će kontaktirati Vašeg sponzora ukoliko ste izabrali tu opciju prilikom registracije i ostavili kontakt osobu.
Želimo Vam uspešno učešće u radu Kongresa.
Dear Madam/Sir,
We confirm that you have successfully registered to participate in the “5th Congress of Gastroenterologists of Serbia“, which will be held on September 28-30, 2023. in Belgrade, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
In the following days, the technical organizer will provide you with instructions for paying the registration fee or will contact your sponsor if you selected that option during registration and left a contact person.
We wish you a successful participation in the work of the Congress.